What a long week it has been! Yesterday I spent EIGHT hours at a job fair passing our resumes and putting myself out there. There were over 600 people looking for a job, I have never felt so defeated. I honestly thought being in a military town and finding a teaching job wouldn't be too difficult. I was so very wrong. I did get 4 pre-screening interviews and I left feeling great about 3 of them. The only reason I didn't feel good about the 4th one is because they said they didn't have any positions open and weren't sure they would. At least I put myself out there, like I said.
In good news, undergrad is over. It was bittersweet and now I wait to walk the stage in two weeks. I took a load of stuff to our new house and am ecstatic to move and get settled. Two more weeks!
Riding the Roller Coaster @ http://militaryspouserollercoasterride.blogspot.com/ is hosting a MilSpouse Blog Hop! Add you blog to the mclinky on the site and post a brief bio on your blog. She has the 'rules' on her site as to the proper etiquette to follow but there are tons of military spouse blogs already on there. I think I was 162.
So here is a little about me. :)
Mr. and I have been married 3 years, all I know is him and the army. I am about to graduate from Texas A&M-Commerce and we live deep in the heart of Texas. I am 22 years old and am looking forward to the next chapter in my life. Mr. G and I have a fur child named Hero who is spoiled rotten and I love to pieces. I am starting to craft and can scour crafting blogs for hours, so if you know of any, please share
Hi Taylor...thanks for stopping by my blog! I do quite a bit of crafting on my other blog (listed in my profile) but I did want to tell you about one I love called "One Pretty Thing" - - it gives daily links to all kinds of craft projects, and I've found most of my favorite ideas there. Here is the link:
I love Texas! I've been there a couple of times to visit friends (Grand Prairie) and also when my husband was at Ft. Bliss before his last deployment.
Hello hello lovely!!!! I found you through the milspouse hippity hop! I'm also your newest follower.
Seriously...could you get any cutier!
My blog is called, Goodnight moon! Come by so we can hang out;)
Thanks for linking up on the blop hop! I hope you're meeting some of the great mil spouses out there. It's so nice to meet you, and I look forward to reading more about you!
Wife on the Roller Coaster
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