Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Goood-bye Summer

Dear Summer,

It is with bittersweet tears that I bid you a farewell.. no more sleeping in until 8:30 or lounging on the couch until 2:00 p.m. in my pajamas watching Reba & Wife Swap. All the things I wanted to spend time doing with you, I was too lazy to do. No summer reading, no working on my tan, minimal work outs or craft projects. Taylor=lazy bum.

Even though I have been looking forward to you leaving because I have been bored to tears, Im sure by September, I will be counting down until your return next year, so don't stay away too long. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't linger too long into the fall months seeing as it is so hot here, I feel as though I am in the Sahara desert walking to my car and sweat develops in places that Im sure isn't normal.

I am so excited for the coming months and sorry that I am kicking you to the curb early, but sadly, you have worn out your welcome in my household.

Hit the road, Jack!

Love Always,


ens said...

ahh i love summer but know how you feel seeing this is summer #2 where the end of summer = chris coming home from deployment. go away summer. im done with you.

ens said...

ahh i love summer but know how you feel seeing this is summer #2 where the end of summer = chris coming home from deployment. go away summer. im done with you.

Brittany Ann said...

I'm actually not a huge fan of summer, but I do get sad as it comes to a close.