Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Changes (hopefully) Coming Our Way

One season is ending and another is beginning (shortly) and with that comes beautiful colors, cooler weather, football season, hoodies, Fall scents and flowers, I seriously can't wait. I love opening the windows when it is cool outside and having my scentsy warmer on and watching 'Fall movies'. Yes I watch 'Fall movies'. I one of those crazies. I would love to move somewhere with four actual seasons but Texas Fall will have to do.

Mr. G has also decided to take a new career route and we are in the midst of looking into where it could take us and when. I hope with everything that it works out for him. Im trying not to get my hopes up though for fear of disappointment.

Favorite 5th grade quote of the week:

Student: You must not get a lot of sleep at night..
Me: Why do you say that?
Student: Your eyes are purple and veiny under them..

I have a slight, very faint purple coloring under my eyes that gets really dark when Im sick and I have been fighting off a cold lately but seriously? This particular student is slightly strange, but still. I love them all and they all make me smile but sometimes I wonder, really?

Im finally getting into the swing of things and I can't believe this is week FOUR. I have survived four whole weeks. I have conferences next week, wow. I feel so lucky to wake up and go to a job that I love and it not feel like 'work'. I enjoy being where I am and doing what I do.

Another plus right now, Mister and I have found an amazing church. We are in a bible study group that consists of 5 other couples studying 'The 5 Love Languages' and Mr. G is really liking it. He wants to go to bible study and is really enjoying where we are. I am so glad God put us where we are and has surrounded me with the people he has.

It's almost hump day, the week is almost over! Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vitamin C Pleasseee

My throat hurts so bad right now that when I swallow, I feel as if my ears are going to bust. It took 2 full school weeks for my sweet angels to infest my immune system. Im trying to fight it but I feel horrible. I came strait home today and put sweats on before I even kissed the mister and he walked in and asked if I wore my sweats to work today. I. WISH.

I do have some slippers I change into when I moving around the classroom. Its for background noise. :)

It's been nothing but rainy today and it's going to continue all week. I hope that it brings cool Fall temperatures because Im ready to bust out the decor and let the cool air into my house.

Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

2 Weeks Down.. How Many 'Til Christmas Break?

I have made it 2 weeks. 2 whole weeks. I am actually proud of myself. No meltdowns (myself or the chillens), no angry parents (yet), and I haven't lost anyone (so far). I am enjoying myself and slowly getting the hang of everything. I am getting to know people and making more friends every day. I am learning to love the town I live in and that is surprising.

I have some students with horrible home dynamics and it makes me just want to take them home with me, cook for them and buy them lots of toys and clothes because they don't get a lot of attention. It breaks my heart and I think about so many of my students when i am at home and pray for them at night. I am very lucky that I have some very supportive parents, some even greet me with a hug. It makes me so happy. I have gotten the sweetest gifts, just for no reason and it makes me feel so important. I am an important person, little ole me. Now I hope I make a difference in these kids lives.

It is weird to have an adult job and adult things to do. Yes I have been an adult but now I have a real job, not a waiting tables (not that this isn't a real job because it brings in the money) in college job. I feel so validated in life. Amazing.

It's a 3 day weekend y'all followed by a 4 day week. So. Happy.