So sweet!

Alright, here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award and link back to their blog.
Thanks for the lovely award, Day to Day Life of an Army Wife .
2. Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers who have a beautiful blog.
Im supposed to pass this on to 7 other people, but I dont know anyone that follows my blog really. I have always wondered how I figure this out. Im not gutsy enough to just come out and say, 'introduce yourself new people!' because I never would when I read other people's blogs.
But Im gonna be bold tonight. If you follow and I don't know you, introduce yourself so I can know you. I love to read new blogs and get to know new people.
I must now say 7 things about myself.
1. I color coordinate my closet. I have been told by doctors I have OCD, I'll live.
2. I suffer from chronic migraines and take medicine twice a day for them.
3. I am terrified of graduating and having my own class in August. It's turned into my biggest fear, I don't feel 'old enough' yet.
4. I love, love, love sour candy. I have the biggest sweet tooth ever.
5. I eat pizza or a cheeseburger at least once a week. Its a food group to me.
6. I treat my dog like he has human characteristics.
7. I love to get dressed up but sadly, Im a hermit and never go anywhere. I still love to get dressed up, though!
Tomorrow is a big day, job fair. Icing on the cake though is I pick up all my graduation items following the job fair. This is a major job fair so Im hoping the school districts around where we are stationed are there, even if its just one. Wishful thinking, though! Im excited to wear my new business suit! Following the job fair Im going to pop into Hobby Lobby to get knobs for my re-finished dresser so I can post pictures.
Hope everyone had a magnificent Monday!
Hi, im Kristle, I just found your blog on Operation Homefront. I love your outlook, im going to follow you! Feel free to follow me as well!
So glad I could help put a smile on your face. I color coordinate my closet too, I embrace my OCD habits =)
Hi. I've been reading your blog regularly for a couple of months. I'm not certain how I came across it, but I enjoy reading about your teaching experiences and day to day life. I am a speech pathologist in a school as well as a wife of an Air Force officer. I guess I can relate to your life, although I don't color coordinate my closet. Wanna come do mine? I could use a little organizational help ;)
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