On a happier note.. I have a first. I bought my first business ensamble for when I interview for jobs. I also have my dress picked out for graduation, both from The Limited. I have never really been in there before but they have really classy clothes for work. I normally stick to New York and Company and Express. Anyone have any nice professional clothing stores that they like that I haven't found? I have to buy my clothes in petite sizes (thanks to my short legs) and hate hemming my pants so unless they come in a petite size, unless they are to die for pants, I won't buy them.
So.... last week, didn't go near as well as I had thought. I got sick (thank you, 1st graders). I barely worked out but I ate ok. Didn't help that I found an AMAZING home made pizza recipe that I had to make and I ate it for dinner and had left overs for lunch the next day AND dinner. In my defense, I only ate 2 pieces for lunch and 1 piece for dinner.
Enough with excuses, they are like asses, everyone has one!
I weighed in on Friday, lost 1.2 lbs. Not too bad, my goal is 6lbs. but I really want to tone up so Im trying to stay away from the number and look at results.
I am more diligent about working out this week, Im kicking my cold and feeling good. Amazing how you do one good workout and it gets you in the mood for the rest!
Hope everyone else did better than me!
Its so hard in the military to not feel like your always waiting. And waiting away life while your at it. I did that a lot when we were first married, I'd wait for the deployment to be over, or this 6 wk trip or that 2 wk one, only to realize that alllll those weeks were gone. I'm a little better at it but I still find myself stressing about it. Some things dont really change now do they. Cripes what was the point I was going for with all that? : )
Waiting becomes your life! Ugh. I totally understand!
Ann Taylor and Ann Taylor loft are my favorites when it comes to work clothes and nicer things. They have petites and usually have awesome sales.
Sorry to hear you were sick this week. I hope you are back to 100% this week!
I think military guys marry type A women. I have yet to meet a military wife that isn't a planner and organizer. My husband is like me, so it's tough when you are waiting to hear.
I hope you guys get orders soon!
As for clothing, I like Ann Taylor as well. I am 5'1" so even petites are a bit long on me!
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